Welcome to my Hillman Imp Page

Thse pages are all about our Hillman Imps, thats mine and Doms, they tend to be shared. They include the Singer Chamois, the Sunbeam Stiletto, the Hillman Husky and the Commer Van.

It started off as a record of just my own Hillman Imps but has turned into a pictorial record of as many others, so these few pages are really all that is left.

Click on the pictures to see more.

PRX 225 B CGL 358 C XDN 922 J
Hillman Imp Commer Imp Van Hillman Husky
MGF 107 L HNK 932 G Photo Diary


Hillman Husky

Other Imps we have owned
YAB 697 G YRD 89 C KVG 665 A

Hillman Imp Deluxe

Singer Chamois Saloon BS Nymph

XPA 175G WUW G THY 228 G

Sunbeam Stiletto

Hillman Super Imp Singer Chamois Coupe



Master Class Winner Alton National 2022

Andy Smith meets Andy Smith


Dom and Dad with National Awards


Imps in Garages


Imps in the snow Jan 2010

Many Doms

My pit crew















him or me